Phillips Curve

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 18:00
Aydan Dogan, Melih Firat and Aditya Soenarjo How does the use of imported inputs in production affect inflation dynamics in the UK? Over the past few decades, with the rise of global value chains (GVCs), production processes have become increasingly interlinked across countries and sectors. This interconnection means that firms’ pricing decisions are now more … Continue reading Global value chains and inflation: how imported inputs shape UK prices
Mon, 10/07/2023 - 18:00
Marcus Buckmann, Galina Potjagailo and Philip Schnattinger Understanding the origins of currently high inflation is a challenge, since the effects from a range of large shocks are layered on top of each other. The rise of UK service price inflation to up to 6.9% in April might potentially reflect external shocks propagating to a wider … Continue reading Dissecting UK service inflation via a neural network Phillips curve
Wed, 05/07/2023 - 18:00
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Ed Hall, Marco Pinchetti and Julian Reynolds The remarkable stability of US inflation dynamics in the pre-Covid era had led many to think that the Phillips Curve had flattened. However, the sharp rise in inflation that followed the Covid-19 pandemic ignited a debate on whether the Phillips Curve had steepened and, in particular, … Continue reading Did supply constraints tilt the Phillips Curve?
Tue, 13/06/2023 - 18:00
Vania Esady, Bradley Speigner and Boromeus Wanengkirtyo The headline unemployment rate is one of the most widely used indicators of economic slack to measure the state of the business cycle. A large empirical literature on Phillips curve estimation has explored whether more general definitions of labour utilisation are more informative than this simple measure. In … Continue reading Does long-term unemployment affect inflation dynamics?