
Wed, 24/07/2024 - 04:59
We write to express our extreme concern that Senator Payman has resigned from the Labor Government. Letter sent to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the end of the Parliamentary session in June requesting urgent Australian Leadership to end the War on Gaza Dear Prime Minister, We write to express our extreme concern that Senator Payman Continue reading »
Wed, 17/07/2024 - 04:57
Albanese’s advisers must have been smoking something when they decided that Australia should have envoys against antisemitism and Islamophobia. The British elections showed the impact of disenchantment over Gaza among Muslim voters. Sir Keir Starmer, the new British Labour prime minister is totally on the side of Israel, and various Muslim lobbies made it clear Continue reading »
Wed, 17/07/2024 - 04:52
With no formal constitutional provisions or bill of rights the right to protest in Australia relies upon common law judicial interpretations, is heavily politicised and proscribed by governments in legislation, and relies for administration in a highly discretionary manner by police. In my in depth conversation with Anastasia Radiewska, protest rights campaigner, Australian Democracy Network. Continue reading »
Mon, 15/07/2024 - 04:59
Can the United States avoid a descent into political violence? Of the 52 cases where countries reached the levels of polarisation which now exist in the US, half had their status as democracies downgraded. The US is the only Western democracy to have sustained such intense polarisation over such an extended period. It really is Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:54
Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has tabled a report that makes a persuasive argument for comprehensive legislation to protect Australians’ fundamental human rights. Its Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework (2024) identifies a catalogue of deficiencies in the nation’s disaggregated systems of human rights protection. The report provides a new and compelling case for Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:56
The security vetting process has gone off the rails in Australia. It’s been outsourced to the private sector, which has a financial incentive to make renewing a security clearance as lengthy as possible. Those with high-level jobs in many government departments, agencies and the defence bureaucracy have to renew their clearance every five years. They Continue reading »
Fri, 12/07/2024 - 04:50
The Australian Labor Party’s solidarity pledge is being widely sledged in the wake of Western Australian Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation from caucus. But it’s worth stepping back and reconsidering this core element of Labor’s culture and history against contemporary culture and practices. 1. Pledge-style solidarity is not old hat Critics shouldn’t be so fast to dismiss the Continue reading »
Wed, 10/07/2024 - 04:56
Before leaving the Labor Party, Senator Fatima Payman made it clear she did not sign up to a Labor Government whose caucus had not itself signed up to the Labor Party platform which required a recognition of the state of Palestine and a two-party solution to the Middle East’s endless malaise. She made that discovery Continue reading »
Wed, 10/07/2024 - 04:57
My copy of Iris Chang’s THE RAPE OF NANKING is missing its collection of historical photographs. Having seen them once, I could not bear to see them again, nor risk my teenage son coming across them, so I ripped them from the book. Now, every day on social media that is not controlled by the Continue reading »