2024 Nobel Prize for economics Revealing the bankruptcy of conventional economics Ted Trainer The 2024 Nobel Prize for economics has gone to two economists for…
by Donni Wang* ———–* Donni Wang holds a PhD in Classics from Stanford University. Her research on non-capitalist modes of economics in ancient Greece is featured in her book Before the Market: The Political Economy of Olympianism. Now an independent scholar and historian, she is dedicated to paradigm change through both academic and creative approaches. *****While […]
After a few days of emotions running wild—some feeling like shattered glass and others bubbling with joy—the time has come to pull oneself together and look for sound analyses to understand what happened and why. The point is that there was really no need to search… The reasons for Trump’s victory are well known, especially […]
How the Taxpayer Myth Gives Life to the Neoliberal Agenda Eric Tymoigne “The taxpayer-driven narrative is not only politically reactionary and mentally stifling, but also…
by Prabhat Patnaik* In his remarkable work The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, John Maynard Keynes said that “the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else.” His putting only […]
This Nobel Prize season spurs to once again air an observation that in the past economists were awarded the Nobel prize for explaining to the general public something that only economists understood, but in recent decades they win it for explaining to their fellow economists something that the public has always known 😉 – Politicians […]
Launch of Captured: How neoliberalism transformed the Australian state
Speakers: Phillip Toner and Michael Rafferty
Thursday 5 September 2024, 1:30-2:30 pm
Room 341, Social Sciences Building, University of Sydney
Please join Phil Toner, Mike Rafferty and contributors for a seminar launching the recently released edited book Captured: How neoliberalism transformed the Australian state (Sydney University Press)
The post Launch of Captured: How neoliberalism transformed the Australian state appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).
by Basak Kus* It has now been almost two decades since the 2007-10 financial crisis shattered the exuberance that surrounded American capitalism in the 1990s. The immediate issues the crisis posed—negative growth rates, rising unemployment, and falling stock prices—were addressed long ago. Crises like the Great Recession, however, are more than temporary setbacks; they necessitate […]
Whoever keeps posting Karl Marx quotes on the breakroom bulliten board needs to stop.– Management Engage yourself with consequential reflections about labor and class struggle in the 21st century with these (not just thought but also action-provoking) five superb books: — Anderson, Elizabeth. 2023. Hijacked: How Neoliberalism Turned the Work Ethic against Workers and How Workers […]
by Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira* The literature on populism in the 21st century often assumes that far-right leaders draw their support from voters who have lost out to globalization. This is the case among low-skilled, white workers in Global North democracies, including the United States. But, there are also meaningful occurrences of backlash against the political establishment and […]