Trump and his Mini Me

Mon, 20/03/2023 - 03:30
Mon, 20/03/2023 - 03:30
Again, I have to ask, if the GOP base wants someone who owns the libs, nobody does it better than Donald Trump. And if they want more moderate policies, Ron DeSantis certainly isn’t offering any. So what’s DeSantis doing by trying to out Trump Trump? Politico: Gov. Ron DeSantis is often called “Trump 2.0” for his embrace of conservative policies and his take-no-prisoners style of politics. And ahead of the 2024 presidential election — as both Florida men vie to lead the party and ultimately the nation — they have openly feuded over Covid-19 and vaccines and whether DeSantis is truly loyal to the former president, whose 2018 endorsement helped the Florida governor win election. But the men are also very similar in their approach to issues like critical race theory, China and especially their criticism of Democrats and President Joe Biden. How similar? POLITICO collected some of Trump’s and DeSantis’ quotes. See if you can tell who said it. 1.(On fellow Republicans) “Some of these Republicans, they just sit back like potted plants, and they let the media define the terms of the debate. They take all this incoming because they’re not making anything happen.” Ron DeSantis That sentence construction is far too educated for Donald Trump. DeSantis needs to work on mangling his syntax. 2.(On Anthony Fauci) “I’m just sick of seeing him. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.” Ron DeSantis That’s better. Violence and personal insults is the way to…