Honest Office Haiku for the Impending Recession

Fri, 28/04/2023 - 03:00
Fri, 28/04/2023 - 03:00

“We Need to Synch Our Agile
Framework with Our Projected Workflow”

Okay, listen up.
I don’t know what you just said.
Am I getting axed?

- - -

“We’re Instituting a ‘Return-to-Office’ Mandate
to Improve Company Performance”

What saves you money,
And would help prevent layoffs?
No more offices.

- - -

“Is This a Realistic Timeline for This Project?”

Absolutely not.
It’s the work of three people,
with no overtime.

- - -

“Do You Have a Minute to Talk?”

Oh no. This is it.
Hold on, you just need a file?

- - -

“Happy Employee Appreciation Day!”

Are you kidding me?
We know layoffs are coming.
Thanks for the free pen.

- - -

“Be Grateful You Have a Job!”

I am overworked,
underpaid, and have no help.
Gratitude is hard.

- - -

“I’m Going to Take Unpaid PTO to Help the Company”

Go ahead, Brian.
But you’re a fool if you think
this will save your job.

- - -

“You Have Nothing to Worry About”

I don’t believe you.
You laid off half the workforce.
Should I ignore this?

- - -

“Just Remember: We’re All in This Together”

Oh, okay, Gary.
Is that why you gave yourself
a raise and not us?

- - -

“We’re a Family”

Shut up shut up shut
up shut up shut up shut up
please shut the fuck up.