She may not be past her prime but she’s certainly past her political expiration date

Fri, 28/04/2023 - 10:00
Fri, 28/04/2023 - 10:00
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Wednesday that President Joe Biden, 80, will likely die within five years and that his supporters would have to count on Vice President Kamala Harris if he were to win re-election next year. “He announced that he’s running again in 2024, and I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely,” Haley, 51, said in an interview on Fox News. It’s even less like that Nikki Haley will be in politics in five years so …