You’re not safe here

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 00:30
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 00:30
No, buying another gun won’t help When is today’s mass murder scheduled? Is there an online calendar of coming tragedies for those wishing to be elsewhere when the shooting starts? This article from the Miami Herald is a week old, but These countries have issued travel advisories for their citizens towards the United States is timely nonetheless: Due to a rise in crime and fatalities, travel advisories are not uncommon. Travel advisories are the most efficient way for officials to provide safety information to their citizens about potential risks when visiting other countries. Despite the media portrayal and opinions of others, the U.S. is not immune to travelers questioning their safety. Several countries have advised citizens to take standard safety precautions when entering the U.S., but some have increased the level of alarm. Increased hate crimes, violence, sexual assault and other forms of criminality, have countries warning their citizens about travel to the United States. Travel Noire revealed why New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Venezuela and Uruguay encourage their citizens to stay diligent when visiting America. Where do foreigners get such ideas? Study up on active shooter drills and prepare your customs declaration before entering U.S. airspace, countries advise. More on the advisories in the Herald article. More shootings to come. More headlines, more blood, more bodies. Jeff Sharlet over the weekend posted a series of photos he collected during and after writing “The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War.” Subtle hints that inform those travel…