I can’t bring myself to write about the debt ceiling debacle again. I had foolishly thought the Democrats had a specific back-up plan for when the lunatics in the House decided to crash the economy for shits and giggles. Anyone could have seen they would try to do that. But apparently the White House and the Dem leadership didn’t see that coming? Really? But a huge part of the problem is, as usual, the way the media is covering the issue. Anyway this piece from TNR spells out the current dilemma: Having watched Capitol Hill fall into chaotic convulsions over the debt ceiling a million times before, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to properly negotiate your way through a debt ceiling crisis is to not negotiate at all. But it would seem, for the moment, that President Biden is going to dip a toe in those waters and fashion some sort of compromise. A deal may not be possible; it won’t take but a handful of House Republicans to scuttle any sort of bipartisan offering. So it may be too early to say that Biden is breaking his vow not to repeat the mistakes his former boss made in 2011. But this might be a good occasion to point out the other big mistakes that have brought us to this point. Namely, those of the political media, who can rightly be said to have spent the last decade botching their coverage of the debt ceiling, mainly by failing to speak one plain truth:…