where gender-nonconformity hurt you Real Americans™ might want to reevaluate their life choices. People who complain loudest about having political opponents forcing randy random things down their throats have a new obsession, says Kat Abughazaleh of Media Matters. It’s piss. * And transphobia. This would be embarrassing if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was capable of it (Al Jazeera): Most recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to announce his bid to be the Republican presidential nominee, signed bills that ban gender-affirming care for minors, restrict chosen pronoun use in schools and force people to use the bathroom corresponding with their sex assigned at birth. Lydia Polgreen adds in The New York Times: The new bathroom law is particularly cruel and absurd. Politicians claim these measures seek to make bathrooms safer. But I have yet to see any of these legislators produce a shred of credible evidence that transgender people pose a safety threat to cisgender people in bathrooms. […] Bathrooms have long been porcelain crucibles for our deepest fears and anxieties. One hardly needs to crack open the collected works of Sigmund Freud to understand why they have been the sites of repression and humiliation in service of enforcing hierarchies. And while Josh “The Streak” Hawley boasted about his book of manly virtues… North Carolina Republicans admitted being intimidated by Democratic soy girls. There’s that conservative obsession with weakness again. <Sigh> Compensate much? Yeah, it’s been a trying week. *Update: No, really, it’s piss.