The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is Just Politics

Thu, 25/05/2023 - 04:01
Thu, 25/05/2023 - 04:01
The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is Just Politics

So, let’s state what should be obvious.

  1. Republican Presidents since Reagan have all increased the deficit more than Democratic ones.
  2. Republicans have always raised the debt ceiling when Republican presidents are in charge; therefore,
  3. The “debt ceiling crisis” is just partisan politics and has nothing to do with the deficit
  4. Republicans and many Democrats want spending cuts which affect ordinary people, rather than repealing tax cuts or, say, cutting the “defense” budget.
  5. Biden’s record is that he likes the idea of cutting things like social security; so…
  6. A lot of Biden’s “resistance” is Kabuki
  7. The constitutional argument is unclear, but as a practical matter, the Supreme Court cannot enforce a decision which says the debt ceiling is constitutional.
  8. So, ultimately, whether the President decides to obey the debt limit is entirely a political decision, he can easily say that based on the constitution he has no right to do so-he must pay all obligations.
  9. If Biden does ignore a Supreme Court decision it will increase the disintegration of the current political order and set a precedent.

I would note that the idea that the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of constitutional issues was not clear to the founders, and is something the court arrogated to themselves. It is not clear that they should have that power.

As for the rest, Biden will do what he wants to do.


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