DeeSaster or DuhSaster

Sat, 03/06/2023 - 02:00
Sat, 03/06/2023 - 02:00
You be the judge All of cable news is saying that DeSantis is out of his corner and taking it to Trump. Ok. We’ll see. But he’s still battling the weirdness factor. And this is definitely weird. Some presidential candidates struggle to nail their message. Ron DeSantis is struggling to nail his NAME. In the early days of his campaign, DeSantis has gone back and forth between pronouncing his name Dee-Santis and Deh-Santis. Why it matters: DeSantis’ dissonance on how to say his name — for years an issue of confusion for his campaign teams — is a curiosity as many GOP leaders and donors wonder whether the Florida governor is ready for the scrutiny of a presidential campaign. What’s happening: During his first week as a candidate, DeSantis pronounced his name “Dee-Santis” during: The video announcing his presidential campaign. A radio interview in South Carolina, in which he told listeners to go to “” But then: DeSantis pronounced it “Deh-Santis” during interviews with Fox News, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, and Mark Levin this past week. The governor’s campaign, his wife, Casey, and the independent super PAC that supports him consistently pronounce it “Deh-Santis.” Asked the proper way to pronounce his name, DeSantis’ campaign did not answer. The super PAC, Never Back Down, declined to say. Former President Trump has chided DeSantis over the different pronunciations. “Ron DeSantis is a phony who can’t decide how to pronounce his name,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung told Axios. “If you can’t get your name right, how can you lead a country?” Flashback: Early in his political career, DeSantis, 44, appeared…