Pride and punches

Wed, 07/06/2023 - 23:00
Wed, 07/06/2023 - 23:00
How many moral panics in our lifetimes? Five years ago Pride Month was not an issue. And now? Now trans panic is the Satanic ritual abuse panic for the early 21st century. Except the latter never really went away. But it is now joined and amplified by trans panic, fears of “grooming,” etc. CBS News: Protests outside a Glendale school district meeting turned violent as groups began several brawls as administrators discussed recognizing Pride Month, while the public debated gender and sexual identity studies. Demonstrations outside of the Glendale Unified School District building stayed relatively civil throughout the day. However, scuffles between the around 200 protesters and counter-demonstrators began after 6 p.m. School administrators said many of the protesters did not have students in the district. The city’s police department deployed around 50 officers to the meeting to prevent scuffles among the groups. After several brawls, officers ordered the protesters to disperse and threatened to use less-than-lethal force to break up the crowd.  The attempts to de-escalate the crowd failed, prompting officers to arrest at least three people. They are accused of using pepper spray and obstruction. “Erroneous information is being spread on social media” may have been a factor. A report from KTLA suggests the fight was over the school board adding “LGBTQ+ instruction” to the curriculum. “We have absolutely no agenda,” said Glendale Unified Superintendent Vivian Ekchian. “We are not in the business of converting anyone’s child.” But CBS and the Los Angeles Daily News report that it…