If there’s one thing that drives me the most crazy about the “I don’t like his tweets but I’ll vote for him anyway” crowd is that they always extol the virtues of his allegedly successful presidency which I just do not remember. His policy success was almost nil and to the extent it just coasted on what came before. His tax bill had little to do with him and he spent most of his time reversing policies that had come from previous presidents. Still, those who want to separate themselves from the embarrassing parts of Trumpism while still supporting it always say that he was really a good president except for his personality: Chris Mudd is the hands-on founder and CEO. He checked in with the crew, made a point of thanking the homeowner for her business and then took a moment to reflect on Midwest Solar’s swift progress. “Our first 12 months I think we averaged three or four systems a month. … It was tough. Today, we are doing 15-20 systems a month,” Mudd says. “We lost money the first year we were in business and we’re going to make money our second year. I think that’s good. Starting a business from scratch is very difficult.” Yes, he says, some of the credit goes to President Joe Biden’s clean energy initiatives – particularly tax incentives for solar systems. “Absolutely,” Mudd says. “There are lots of grants available to business owners. The tax credit is at that 30%. Absolutely.” But Mudd…