Plenty needs fixing As Greg Sargent tells it: Young people have delivered unmistakable political surprises lately. They have proved decidedly progressive on many big issues. They voted at outsize rates in the last three national elections. They are fueling population growth in swing-state college towns, making Republicans nervously rethink their strategy. Now, if a group of Gen Z political operatives has its way, young people might surprise us in another fashion: by getting involved in those sleepy, unglamorous, decidedly uncool contests known as state legislative races. This week, David Hogg, the 23-year-old gun-control activist driven into politics by the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla., launched a political action committee called Leaders We Deserve, which is devoted to recruiting young candidates for state legislative seats — largely in red states. “That’s where the worst bills are coming from,” Hogg says. I’m forever telling friends less engaged in day-to-day organizing to stop obsessing over the presidential race. Yes, Democrats need to regain control of the Supreme Court, etc., but the real damage is being done at the state legislative level — largely in red states. Did you not see what the GOP just tried to pull in Ohio? What DeSantis is doing with education and his culture wars in Florida? I spent 2016 telling progressives President Hillary can’t solve my legislature problem; President Bernie can’t either. WE have to solve that problem. Here. Gen Zers get that more than many of my Boomer friends. “The challenge we face is, what are we going to do to undo the harmful legacy left…