Sometimes they just come right out and say it

Mon, 14/08/2023 - 08:00
Mon, 14/08/2023 - 08:00
There you have it. And then there’s this: The top contenders for the GOP nomination. One nods in agreement with an official who says they need to use force to change Washington and the other says that a military invasion of Mexico is on the table, an idea which has been previously floated by the first one. I know it’s hard to remember what life was like before the Republicans went fully batshit crazy. It was quite a while ago. But they didn’t used to say things like this. But then their voters didn’t used to believe every crazy thing they were told by lying sociopaths. (Yes, they did believe a lot of looney stuff, but this goes way beyond anything even Nixon said publicly. When what he said privately came out, his approval rating dropped to the low 20s.) These people believe they can get away with anything and their true natures are on display. I wouldn’t assume they aren’t serious.