The Dems have their work cut out for them

Wed, 30/08/2023 - 06:30
Wed, 30/08/2023 - 06:30
They shouldn’t but they do. This country is nuts. Dan Pfeiffer analyzes the current polling and the task ahead in his newsletter today: Last week, Donald Trump was arrested and arraigned for being part of a criminal organization that tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election. His mug shot was released and quickly went viral. Trump fumbled the COVID pandemic that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives and even more jobs; and he is personally responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade. On the other side, President Joe Biden conducted his presidency with decency and compassion, exceeding even the most optimistic expectations of what could be achieved with a Republican Party that won’t acknowledge the legitimacy of his electoral victory. Unemployment is under 4%, the economy is growing and inflation has been coming down for months. Yet somehow — against all common sense — the 2024 election between a competent President and an incompetent criminal — will be incredibly close. He goes on to lay out the latest polling which shows that Trump and Biden are within a point of each other. It’s appalling. I know that Biden’s old but are people really going to allow a four-times indicted, twice impeached, lunatic to become president again? At this moment in time, that is apparently on the menu. Pfeiffer spells out what’s going on: 1. Trump’s Holding More of His 2020 Voters than Biden The primary reason for the statistical tie in the race is that Trump is holding onto more of…