Trump, the Second Time Around?

Mon, 11/12/2023 - 09:29
Mon, 11/12/2023 - 09:29

Recently, on a commuter train, I ran into an acquaintance who works for a government agency here in Washington, D.C. Soon after we started chatting, he indicated a desire to switch jobs in case Donald Trump was reelected president in 2024. “I’d like to be somewhere that Trump wouldn’t be able to politicize,” my buddy said. I listened as he mused about which government institutions would remain well-funded despite Trump’s desire to destroy “the deep state.” “Maybe I’ll work for the Department of Defense,” my companion finally suggested all too logically. I can see just where he’s coming from since, during Trump’s first term, with some notable exceptions, “his” generals made it a point to stick to the Constitution rather... Read more

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