Meet Lenny Moskalyk, the first Ukrainian Board Member of the Drupal Association Board

Sat, 09/12/2023 - 04:02
Sat, 09/12/2023 - 04:02

Lenny Moskalyk headshot

We're thrilled to introduce Lenny Moskalyk, one of the newest members on the Drupal Association Board. Lenny is a Senior Project Manager at Cocomore and is involved in organizing DrupalCamp Kyiv. She's actively engaged in the Ukrainian Drupal Community and serves as an Advisory Board Member of DrupalCon Europe, among other contributions to various Drupal events. Recently, Lenny received the Women in Drupal 2023 award in the ‘Scale’ category, given to those who boost growth in Drupal—her accomplishments that led to this award represent the value of growth within the Drupal Community. 

Lenny recently joined the Drupal Association Board, and she shares her insights on this exciting journey:

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining the Drupal Association Board?
The opportunity to help and contribute back to the community in an efficient meaningful way.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time on the board?
I aim to build connections with underrepresented communities and make sure their voices are heard.

What specific skill or perspective do you contribute to the board?
Being the first Ukrainian on the Board, I am representing one of the biggest and most active communities in Europe. I have experience in organizing Drupal events of various scales and being an experienced project manager, I have excellent communication skills.

How has Drupal impacted your life or career?
I started to work with Drupal around 10 years ago and from the day the ideas of open source and support within the community won my heart. It inspired me to try myself in new roles, such as co-organizing DrupalCamp Kyiv. Through Drupal, I have discovered many new things about different cultures and nowadays wherever around the world I would go—I know for sure where to find like minded people :)

Tell us something that the Drupal community might not know about you.
I am a passionate traveler who recently added sailing skills! Another thing that brings me joy is cooking for my loved ones and sharing meals with them :)

Share a favorite quote or piece of advice that has inspired you.
“Fortune favors the brave.”

We can't wait to experience the incredible contributions Lenny will make during her time on the Drupal Association Board. Thank you, Lenny, for dedicating yourself to serving the Drupal community through your board work! Connect with Lenny on LinkedIn.

The Drupal Association Board of Directors comprises 12 members, with nine nominated for staggered 3-year terms, two elected by the Drupal Association members, and one reserved for the Drupal Project Founder, Dries Buyteart. The Board meets twice in person and four times virtually annually, overseeing policy establishment, executive director management, budget approval, financial reports, and participation in fundraising efforts.