Keeping TomDispatch Alive

Thu, 14/12/2023 - 00:44
Thu, 14/12/2023 - 00:44

Dear TomDispatch Reader, In 2022, when I was putting together the end-of-year plea I always post to keep TomDispatch going in a tough world, I wrote: “This time around though, I have to wonder whether it may be the last such missive I’ll write.” Well, as it happens (and thanks to the generosity of the readers of this website), it wasn’t. Three hundred and sixty-five days later — the beginning of our 23rd year and halfway through my own 79th year on this ever more embattled planet — I’m back, asking for your support. This is probably the least enjoyable thing I do at TomDispatch. I mean, why should I get any pleasure out of bothering you for money when, like... Read more

Source: Keeping TomDispatch Alive appeared first on
