Another December at the Supreme Court

Fri, 15/12/2023 - 07:00
Fri, 15/12/2023 - 07:00
Let’s hope it goes better than it did 23 years ago The Republican party’s descent into post-ideological madness has been well documented over the years, here and elsewhere. Those of us who have been around a while started seeing it back in the 1980s when Newt Gingrich and his gang started to adopt scorched earth tactics to destroy their political opponents and it gained steam during the Clinton years with a tabloid strategy designed to titillate the electorate and offend the allegedly pious right wing Christians. But it shifted into something more dangerous in the 2000 election when they decided that there were no holds barred when it came to holding on to power. I was reminded of all that yesterday when this popped up in my social media feeds: I assume that you all know what went down in that case so I won’t belabor it. In a nutshell, when the Republicans pulled out every shady stop in a state run by the candidate’s brother to ensure that recounts were stopped so that his rival would never go ahead in the election, we should have known that our democracy was more fragile than we thought. And when the Supreme Court surprisingly stepped in and two Justices, who had been nominated to the court by the candidate’s father, made up the 5-4 majority that ended the count and put their boy into the White House it was a warning shot across the bow. The inherent corruption of the Republican party…