Your Daily Hit Of Hopium

Tue, 19/12/2023 - 05:30
Tue, 19/12/2023 - 05:30
From strategist Joe Trippi. If you have the time to listen to a podcast today at some point, I recommend you listen to this one. Is he right? Hell if I know. But there’s no reason to believe that everything he says is completely off base either. Trippi was one of the few who called the red trickle in 2022. His podcasts are super interesting because he brings in the history and experience of his years as a political strategist. He may just be a hopium addict. It’s certainly possible. Biden’s numbers are unrelentingly awful and it’s terrifying, especially when you see Republicans rallying around Hitler 2.0. But this isn’t the first time someone has been in the doldrums at this stage in the campaign as Biden is and there are reasons why this is likely to turn around. And it’s not even counting on the fact that the opponent is probably going to be on trial during the campaign. We’ll see. But with Republicans already measuring the drapes and Democrats throwing their aprons over their heads and running around in circles as usual, it seems to me that it’s important to see the other side to this. Happy Hollandaise, everyone! If you’re in the mood to spread some cheer ….