Half Of Gaza’s Population Is Now Starving

Fri, 22/12/2023 - 02:12
Fri, 22/12/2023 - 02:12
Half Of Gaza’s Population Is Now Starving

And 90% aren’t eating every day.

The US could stop this tomorrow, Israel is a small country completely dependent on America.

The only country really doing anything to help is Yemen. They have been attacking Israeli associated freighters whether Israeli flagged or not (but not any freighter that is not owned or heading to Israel.) The US has been protecting this Israeli freight and has announced a campaign to stop them and keep the Red Sea open with twelve partners, none of whom are on the Red Sea: Britain, France, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the Seychelles and Bahrain.

As a result of the Yemeni campaign the six largest shipping companies have all decided not to send any ships thru the Red Sea and thus thru the Suez canal. This means they have to go around Africa adding time and cost.

The Yemeni statement on the US threats (it’s really a US operation, the rest of the nations are there to pretend it’s multinational) is sad, in the sense that this is the only truly moral nation in the world in relation to Palestine..

Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti: Even if America succeeds in mobilizing the entire world, our military operations will not stop unless the genocide in Gaza stops and food, medicine, and fuel are allowed to enter its besieged population, no matter the sacrifices it costs us.

As I’ve said before, the only nation really going all out to fight the Israeli and US genocide in Gaza is Yemen. (Honorable mention to Malaysia, who have closed their ports to all Israeli ships. It’s not much, but given their location there’s little they can do and to Hezbollah.)

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Never again, eh?

What’s going on in Palestine is a clear genocide, using starvation and water shortages as a tool. I said day one that the blockade concerned me more than the bombing. Combined with the hospital destruction campaign, I’m surprised there isn’t a plague in Palestine yet, but clearly one is desired by Israel.

Israel has also been mouthing off about invading southern Lebanon. I don’t see how that can work for them, they failed last time they tried and Hezbollah is stronger now and has enough missiles to absolutely devastate Israel. Hezbollah has been clear that if Israel does wholesale civilian bombing in Lebanon the way it has in Gaza, they will retaliate in kind.

But really, there’s a genocide going on, and almost no one is trying to stop it. Starvation, thirst, mass bombing, the deliberate targeting of hospitals and reporters.

Oh, and Edrogan. Shut up. You keep talking, but you never do anything. Turkey has a huge military and could help if it wanted to (for example, by doing air drops of aid, telling Israel that if they try to stop them, it’ll be considered an act of war.)

The Palestinians are on their own. Hezbollah’s helping a little. Yemen as much as they can, and almost everyone else is doing nothing. The US is actively aiding and abetting, and Canada, America’s new poodle, is right there cheering them on.

Never again, eh.