“Come on”? That’s it? “Come on”?

Tue, 13/02/2024 - 01:00
Tue, 13/02/2024 - 01:00
That’s no light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a train. We’ve seen this movie. We watched it in 2016. The press, driven by capitalist imperative to sell newspapers and attract eyeballs, promoted every right-wing smear against Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president, most importantly the faux scandal about her private email server. Clinton was likely the most qualified presidential person Democrats have ever fielded for the presidency. To win the presidency, Clinton first had to be an excellent candidate. She was not that, nor was her campaign up to the job. (Don’t get me started.) Nevertheless, the race to defeat Donald Trump, the TV celebrity and failed casino operator, was close. Her campaign suffered death by a thousand media cuts, flogged by right-wing outlets and in the eleventh-hour by grandstanding of FBI Director Jim Comey. It’s happening again with the stream of media attention to President Joe Biden’s age. Republican’s all-but nominee Trump is only three years younger and in obvious cognitive decline. (He was mentally unstable in 2016, but that just made him a colorful novelty.) But fear of Trump’s MAGA mob makes Biden look like a softer target. Ratings, eyeballs, and profits again make Trump better for business. The media’s collective thumb is again on the scale with this year’s “but her emails” narrative hook. News outlets cannot resist “Biden’s too old.” But this year’s election is not a ratings game or a high school popularity contest. Over a million Americans died under Trump’s mishandling of the…