It’s an abusive relationship Donald Trump, the alleged “master brander”, has liberally stolen all of his most famous slogans from other politicians, starting with “Make American Great Again” which he took from Ronald Reagan. During the 2016 campaign he made a big announcement that he was going to be the “Law and Order” candidate, which made many people chuckle since it evoked the famous TV show. But it was also one of Richard Nixon’s winning slogans in 1968, used to appeal to the white conservatives who were freaking out over civil rights and anti-war protests. I’ve never been sure if Trump is consciously aware of the political echoes of these thefts or if he really believes he came up with them himself. Either way, they resonated with Republicans who either nostalgically recalled their former leaders using those terms or think Trump is a very stable genius for creating such instantly memorable campaign slogans. From the moment he came down the escalator in ’16 he’s been demonizing immigrants as murderers and rapists and promising to eliminate the problem with draconian crackdowns. He loves to regale his crowds with lurid, detailed accounts of violent crimes allegedly committed by undocumented migrants and goes to great lengths to present such isolated crimes as evidence of an unprecedented crime spree. In Michigan on Tuesday he proclaimed that they have “wrecked our country” and said that even though some people think it’s wrong to call them “animals” he was going to continue to do it because…