Trump On Trial

Thu, 11/04/2024 - 02:00
Thu, 11/04/2024 - 02:00
It’s coming up on Monday. And he’s freaking out. There’s been some talk lately about Donald Trump’s light campaign schedule compared to President Joe Biden’s who’s been visiting swing states constantly even as he’s handling some very thorny legislative and foreign policy problems. The contrast has been sharp. Trump is spending much more time on the golf course than holding rallies and even his appearances on friendly right wing media have been scarce.  Judging by his Truth Social feed, it’s fair to say that he’s stressed and it’s not about the campaign: he’s obsessed with the criminal trial that’s set to start next Monday. I suspect he never thought it would get this far — he’s tried every trick in the book to delay the proceedings and nothing so far has worked so he’s getting frantic, posting things like this throughout the day: It would seem that these outbursts serve as some sort of self-soothing exercise. He’s also becoming downright morose, fatuously declaring that it will be his honor to be the “modern day Mandela” and whining endlessly about the judges in his cases lamenting at one point, “How many Corrupt, Biased, Crooked Joe Biden-‘Protection Agency’ New York Judges do I have to endure before somebody steps in?” (What — and who — exactly do you suppose he has in mind when he says “step in?”) Trump’s latest attempt to delay the trial was dispatched by a NY appeals judge who was not moved by his lawyers argument that he…