“He only cares about holding on to power. I care about you.” If you haven’t seen Trump’s “Reich” video, that’s it. He didn’t make it but he did share it. Nazis just love the guy. Republicans say it’s no biggie: Here’s Biden’s response: Dan Pfeiffer looks at the strategy behind the Biden campaign’s approach in his newsletter: What’s interesting to me is how and why the Biden Campaign is waging the fight this time and what it says about their strategy. Keep Trump on the Defensive and in the News Since officially kicking off the campaign earlier this year, the Biden Campaign has aggressively pursued every Trump misstatement and misdeed. Their BidenHQ account tweets day and night to lift up everything Trump does — from falling asleep in court to suggesting he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It is in their strategic interest to focus the electorate on Trump and remind them who he is and what kind of President he was. This is also why Biden is so eager to debate Trump. This election is currently functioning as a referendum on Biden, and they very much need it to become a choice between two candidates. I have made this point many times in this newsletter, but most voters never see or think about Trump. The only way to learn about the news is to actively seek it out, so it’s in the Biden Campaign’s interest to pour gasoline on the controversies that break out of the political…