What About Policy?

Sun, 30/06/2024 - 07:00
Sun, 30/06/2024 - 07:00
Catherine Rampel tweeted this out and I think I think it’s fascinating: The kind of polling we need more of: @YouGov asked respondents about major policies proposed by Biden and Trump…without specifying which candidate proposed them.Turns out, in a blind test, Biden’s agenda is way more popular. today.yougov.com/politics/artic… 27 of 28 Biden proposals are supported by more people than oppose them. 24 get outright majority support. Most popular: criminal/mental health background checks for all gun purchases (82% approve). Least popular (the only one underwater, 30%): 10-yr military support for Ukraine Trump’s agenda doesn’t fare so well.9 of 28 proposals are above water (more support than oppose). Just 6 get majority supportEven most most popular (phase out Chinese imports of essential goods) gets meager 59%. Least pop (prez controls independent regulatory agencies): 19% People who plan to vote for each candidate are more likely to support most of their preferred candidate’s policies. And most supporters oppose many of the policies proposed by the opposing candidate. There are some policies that supporters find common ground on, however. For example, majorities of Biden and Trump supporters favor Biden’s policy pledging U.S. military support to Taiwan if China were to invade. And few supporters of either candidate support giving Trump control of regulatory agencies that now are independent.Under half (47%) of Americans say Biden has given a very/somewhat clear idea of policies he’d enact if re-elected. More (62%) say this of TrumpBased on above stats, vs broader views of which candidate is trusted more…