Today Trump is meeting with Netanyahu and took some questions beforehand about Gaza during his daily Executive Order pageant. Once again he endorsed ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, saying that they will be happy to go in “large groups or many smaller groups” to some pieces of beautiful pieces of land where Saudi Arabia and others (not the US!) will build them some nice condos and everyone will live happily ever after. He has the mind of a child. Here is the full exchange: Trump: I’d like to see Jordan or Egypt take them. Look, the Gaza thing has not worked, it’s never worked and I feel very differently about Gaza than a lot of people. I think they should get a good fresh beautiful piece of land and we get some people to put up the money to build it and make it nice and make it habitable and enjoyable and make it a home. Palestinians say they don’t want to leave though.I don’t know how they could want to stay. It’s a demolition site. If we could find the right piece of land or numerous pieces of land and build them some really nice with plenty of money in the area that’s for sure. I think that would be a lot better than going back to Gaza, which had just decades and decades of death. Reporter: Where would those pieces of land be? Well that could be in Jordan and they could be in Egypt and they could be…