Simon Phipps, when I recently expressed surprise at how he makes 1.37 blog posts/day, suggested that I post enough to to make them into blog posts that frequent. I doubt I'm going to do that, but I'm going to have a short go at posting a “ Weekly Summary” of threads of interest from the week. Summary, 2011-06-11 through 2011-06-19
- I started this past week in a thread discussing @laforge's blog post about hackers using Gmail. This led to a a debate with @marjoleink about what a program is and whether how copyright should apply to them.
- In his usual debate-rousing way, @fontana started a thread about GPL and Javascript. That descended into discussion of whether or not this was a troll. I was home alone so I just phoned @fontana and talked to him until he had to hang up.
- There is a a brief discussion about misspellings of my name.
- A discussion ensued about whether or not @fontana and I had made a covenant not to troll each other. rahulsundaram made a cute reference to the Novell/Microsoft deal and I picked up on it with a joke of my own in the same vein.
- Red Hat's CEO has trouble pronouncing GNOME. Is it a desktop, or is it genetics?
- fabsh started a
thread by saying he wouldn't sign the Fedora CLA, I
asked him why, which led
to a
between me and @fontana about whether or not it is a CLA. In the
end, @fontana conceded to call it
ghost of a CLA
. - Following up on @fontana's previous week of using Planet of the Apes to make points at me, I pointed him at The Simpsons Planet of the Apes musical.
- I made a few comments on the Tony Awards.
- For once in history (so far), I thanked Matt Aslett for something.
- @magicfab is using GLPI which I noted was a great program.
- @fontana and I briefly discussed RMS' debates with Gosling about early Emacs.
- There was a brief discussion of toplevel vs. file-by-file copyright inventory.
- There was discussion of lilURL and that fact that it and are written in PHP. Later, @fontana agreed to help me rewrite lilURL in Python. It can't be wrong to rewrite from scratch a project with only 462 lines of code and docs.
- I visited State College, PA (for the OpenFOAM Workshop, blog post on that tomorrow), and felt old seeing the students' behavior there.
- The HHKB Type-S came out, but it doesn't seem to be available in the USA yet.
- Evergreen joined the Conservancy.
- I discussed with @copiesofcopies, @fabsh, and others the fact that VMS users and lawyers like ALL CAPS.
- There was a discussion, started by @fontana saying Subversion is dead, about possible merits of Subversion compared to Git. I don't know why @fontana intermixed it with my comments on Allison Randal's appearance on Linux Outlaws.
- @fontana invented the phrase “Asay's Fallacy”. Then @fontana and I ended up discussing characters from It's a Wonderful Life! again.
- @fabsh likes Al Franken's hair, but @fontana and I remember him from SNL instead.
- @fontana asked who ESR is and @glynmoody explained.
That was longer than I thought. I suspect it'll be shorter once/if it's a regular thing.