Biden on the upswing

Thu, 12/01/2023 - 09:30
Thu, 12/01/2023 - 09:30
But still, nobody knows nothin’ That’s just depressing. People really are clueless. A couple more results: It’s going to take a lot to wring this out of the polity. People get hooked on beliefs that the economy is in the dirt and continue to believe it long after it’s not. The media doesn’t help. On another topic, I found this interesting: The partisan breakdown isn’t all that surprising. We know the white, right wingers won’t wear masks. But I was surprised to see so many young people saying they do wear them. It makes sense that old people wouldn’t because so many of us are Republicans. But young people doing it is pure altruism for most of them. They are not in great danger personally. They’re protecting others. Nice.