Give Peace a Chance

Fri, 20/01/2023 - 01:28
Fri, 20/01/2023 - 01:28

I like to sing and what I like best is to do so at the top of my lungs when I’m all alone. Last summer, taking a walk through the corn fields in New York’s Hudson River Valley with no one around but the barn swallows, I found myself belting out a medley of tunes about peace from my long-ago, summer-camp years. That was the late 1950s, when the miseries of World War II were still relatively fresh, the U.N. looked like a promising development, and folk music was just oh-so-cool. At my well-meaning, often self-righteous, always melodious camp, 110 children used to warble with such sweet promise: It seemed such a sensible, grown-up way to think — like, duh!... Read more

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