But His Documents

Sat, 21/01/2023 - 10:00
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 10:00
They’re doing it again If you’ve been watching the recent febrile reporting about the Biden documents you can be forgiven if you felt like you’ve seen this movie before. You have. The Washington Post published a story yesterday about the Biden documents case that pretty much explained and exonerated the administration’s handling of the matter. It also said that it doesn’t matter because it looks bad and everyone’s talking about it so it’s very bad, possibly fatal, for Biden. Ironically, the only thing that might spare him is the plethora of legal issues plaguing Trump and the fact that his document scandal is arguably much worse. On the other hand, I’m already seeing “we know Trump is a corrupt scumbag, we expect more from Biden” so who knows? How does this sort of thing happen? I wrote this about the Clinton email scandal when it first surfaced in March of 2015: Cokie’s Law renewed by acclamation As we rush headlong into the first  of what are sure to be many “Clinton Records Scandals” (it’s a perennial) I just thought I’d remind everyone of one thing: Cokie’s Law, in which she proved that truth and facts are rarely the issue when it comes to arcane Clinton scandals: “At this point,it doesn’t much matter whether she said it or not because it’s become part of the culture. I was at the beauty parlor yesterday and this was all anyone was talking about.” Once people are talking about it, they believe it’s a legitimate news story. So they…