“The smell of freedom”

Sun, 22/01/2023 - 06:00
Sun, 22/01/2023 - 06:00
Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson cheered on the House Republicans’ decision to allow smoking in the Capitol again, as you can see above. I know he’s just trying to be cutesy transgressive and own the libs but it’s sick anyway. It appears that this is going to be a new crusade: That’s not just about “freedom” to kill yourself with cancer. He’s portraying it as good for you. Even the vaccine and mask deniers don’t suggest that getting COVID is fun. But hey, why not get everyone using meth or cocaine.? Of course they don’t give other people cancer which I guess Tucker thinks must be one of the “fun” aspects of it. Enjoy your cancer folks! Is it just me or is he sounding crazier and crazier? I honestly think that the number of people who want to re-introduce smoking cigarettes into our culture is pretty small. Only 12% of population smokes now. Way more people use cannabis. WTH is this??