Rasmussen— Debt Ceiling: 56% Prefer Shutdown

Tue, 24/01/2023 - 07:31
Tue, 24/01/2023 - 07:31
As President Joe Biden prepares to face off with House Republicans over the U.S. government’s debt ceiling, a majority of voters would rather have a government shutdown than to have Congress sign off on more spending.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 56% of Likely U.S. Voters would rather have a partial government shutdown until Congress can agree to either cut spending or keep it the same. Just 34% would rather avoid a partial shutdown by authorizing more spending…
The rest is behind a paywall. But you get the drift.

Rasmussen Reports — Jan 23, 2023
Debt Ceiling: 56% Prefer Shutdown