Seventy-two Cut-out Figures of Classic Doctor Who Monsters, Villains and Aliens...

Wed, 28/07/2021 - 04:22
Wed, 28/07/2021 - 04:22

This has been fun! We all remember those Doctor Who Weetabix cards from the 70s. The previous post is my attempt to replicate the style of them... with varied success. 

I do feel that the figures are more interesting to create than the props and sets. So interesting that I've now gone and done seventy-two of them. Some are famous multi-appearance monsters whilst other are more obscure characters. The ones I am most pleased with are the Earth Trooper from 'Frontier in Space', the Seer robot from 'Underworld' (how's that for obscure) and the Foamasi (which was inspired by a memory of the one at Madame Tussauds back in 1980 which was so much better than the bag of spuds that appeared in 'The Leisure Hive'... and yes, the texturing on the creature's skin IS bubble wrap!). 

Will I do some more? Possibly, but for the moment I need a rest. I think I've proved to myself I can actually create half-decent original art as opposed to ice lolly ads and Target book covers.

These cut-outs are slightly larger than I would normally post and have no watermark. You can download the images by right-clicking on them and following the relevant instructions on your PC. If you do enjoy them, let me know or maybe tell me which monsters/villains/alien you'd like to see at a later date. You can really show you appreciation by purchasing a coffee for me via my Ko-fi account. The link is here.