A Tale of Two Mothers

Wed, 08/03/2023 - 00:58
Wed, 08/03/2023 - 00:58

So many crises — from war to mass species die-offs to climate meltdown — afflict our world that we often don’t take time to draw insights from what generally passes for the small stuff, the things that happen all too close to home, including aging. Most of us don’t relish the prospect of getting old, much less watching our parents approach their deaths, something that’s even worse if you’re dying poor.  Having a parent die, whatever the circumstances, is bound to be wrenching. The best we daughters and sons can hope for is that our parents finish out their lives on their own terms and where they want to be — with loved ones nearby and suffering as little as... Read more

Source: A Tale of Two Mothers appeared first on TomDispatch.com.
