Conservative Valspeak

Thu, 16/03/2023 - 00:00
Thu, 16/03/2023 - 00:00
Maybe Ivermectin will cure it? Okay, wokesters, remember when teens tossed out “like” every other word? Adults lampooned this verbal pandemic decades before COVID-19. The legendary Frank Zappa’s only top-40 hit came in 1982 with a largely spoken-word Valspeak performance by his then-14-year-old daughter, Moon Zappa. Valspeak launched Whoopi Goldberg’s acting career. Wikipedia: Linguistic characteristics of valleyspeak are often thought to be “silly” and “superficial” and seen as a sign of low intelligence. Speakers are also often perceived as “materialistic” and “air-headed”. And your point is? Conservatives don’t have one, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes observed Tuesday evening. Wokety-woke rhetoric aimed at blaming women, gay people, and minorities for conservatives’ comically pervasive sense of victimization is “equal parts offensive and preposterous” and not meant to persuade anyone, but to keep their base in line, Hayes said. They are not being serious. Their aim is deflection. “It is the kind of lie you tell when you must, out of necessity, reverse engineer something, anything to spackle over the monstrously apparent contradictions within your own ideology.” Somehow, I don’t think this right-wing pandemic of a noun, a verb, and “woke” in every sentence will have the effect MAGA-world culture warriors are going for. But if Gov. Wokety-woke DeWoke and his “woke” army are reaching for air-headed and superficial, mission accomplished. Leave comedy to the professionals.