
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 14:58
The prominent Australian mainstream economist Chris Richardson recently celebrated the fact that the Australian government is now in surplus: x His “temporary” and “permanent” comment was in relation to this earlier tweet: tax revenues are up but that’s temporary; there’s too much spending, and that’s permanent. Yes, this is “stunningly strong” news for the government’s … Continue reading "It’s not a deficit, it’s a fiat"
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 09:30
Baby Spider Monkeys! Three boisterous baby Spider Monkeys have been thrilling visitors to Taronga Western Plains Zoo these school holidays. Born over the space of a few months to mums Rosa, Hiccups and Jai, the three young females are thriving as they learn to eat, play and climb on the Primate Islands. “It’s really exciting to have three new babies, and to see the whole troop pitching in, it’s a real family affair,” said Primate Keeper Sasha Brook. Hiccups has always been a really good aunty to the other babies we’ve had in the troop, but hasn’t had offspring herself for a really long time, so it’s really nice to see her having a baby of her own.” “The eldest of these babies in particular has been getting more and more adventurous, venturing away from mum, interacting with her keepers, experimenting with eating solid foods and even clambering over other monkeys. It’s really cute to see!” The Spider Monkeys are very active throughout the day but the best time to see them is during feeding time, which occurs between 12.30pm and 1pm daily.
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 08:52

Part 2: Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson Colin Bruce Anthes Welcome back to theAnalysis for part two of our conversation with Dr. Michael Hudson on The Collapse of Antiquity. Michael Hudson I think the character of early Christianity is what is in the Lord’s Prayer. “Forgive them their debts as we forgive the debtors.” Continue Reading

The post Democratic Liberty Versus Oligarchic Liberty first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 08:00
There’s secret, top-secret, code-word-secret — and then there’s whatever President Trump’s health-care plan is. It’s apparently so deeply classified that the people overseeing the plan don’t even know they’re involved. The Republican Party has promised (and failed) to repeal and replace Obamacare for more than a decade — that is, the entirety of the law’s existence. Trump began teasing his own replacement plan during his first presidential bid, five years ago. Back then, he pledged to swap out the Affordable Care Act for “something terrific,” details TBD. Over subsequent months and years, Trump boasted about the benefits of his plan. It would be cheaper yet somehow also more generous than Obamacare. It would be “so easy,” even though “nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” It would “take care of everybody,” even as it took literal care away from many. Trump proclaimed the GOP will become “the party of healthcare,” but a conservative replacement to Obamacare would probably look something like…Obamacare.
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 06:30
Fighting words: Tiffany Justice, co-founder of the right-wing book-purging organization Moms for Liberty, offered a righteous-sounding answer when asked this past weekend on “CBS Sunday Morning” what sort of book she wants to see remain in schools. “Books that don’t have pornography in them,” she piously declared. “Let’s just put the bar really, really low. Books that don’t have incest, pedophilia, rape.” That’s hard to square with what just happened in Martin County, Fla. The school district there recently decided to yank from its high school library circulation eight novels by Nora Roberts that are not “pornography” at all — largely prompted by objections from a single woman who also happens to be a Moms for Liberty activist. “All of it is shocking,” Roberts told us. “If you don’t want your teenager reading this book, that’s your right as a mom — and good luck with that.
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 05:00
NOT. READY. FOR. PRIME. TIME. Desantis melts down today outside the protective bubble of his carefully controlled, scripted FL events. At the Museum of Tolerance, of all places. The question that set DeSnowflake off was about this. Originally tweeted by Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) on April 27, 2023. I wrote about this before but I think it’s important. There is evidence that Ron DeSantis covered up torture at Guantanamo. He refuses to talk about it. And if you think the guy in that video up top is incapable of being complicit in torturing you aren’t paying attention. Here’s an excerpt from the Guardian today. If you are interested in this story, you should read the whole thing: “DeSantis and his group, the JAGs people were there. They were conducting the investigation,” Aziz said. “They were coming the same day the people died. They came to the cells.” What DeSantis saw and heard in the hours and days after the three deaths could be key to an enduring mystery that has hung over Guantánamo ever since: how did Ahmed, Utaybi and Zahrani die?
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:56
Australia, and my Party too, must make a commitment to restoring the primacy of reason, rejecting a paranoid view of history and ‘telling truth to power’. Our blind adoption of irrational policies, supine and unquestioning acquiescence to anything the United States proposes must end. Our species, facing an existential threat to civilisation from climate change, Continue reading »
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:55
Penny Wong has inherited huge challenges in her role as Foreign Minister. She is surrounded by alpha males controlling the defence and security debate, convinced that only deadly military weapons can secure a safe future for Australia. She heads a department historically seen as weak and irrelevant by too many men in power. They dismiss Continue reading »
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:54
Subordination of the military to the civil power in a democracy is non-negotiable, but is often taken for granted. More democracies falter because of a breakdown of civil-military relations than through external subversion or foreign aggression. The near monopoly over the use of lethal force that military organisations hold imposes an obligation on governments to Continue reading »
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:52
Government announces that nice people drive electric cars; $50 a day Jobseeker payment “cruel”; and a Wiradjuri warrior’s Anzac Day. Read on for the Weekly Roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy. Economics Immigration: this is really a big reform. The Reserve Bank Continue reading »
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:51
Breakthroughs set to make a big difference in energy sector This could change everything. A series of breakthroughs by scientists in China will see expensive, hard-to-find lithium replaced by cheap, easily available sodium in many applications. China is building 16 sodium-ion battery plants and will have 95% of the world’s capacity within two years, analysts Continue reading »
Sat, 29/04/2023 - 04:50
If we look back on the major wars of the prior century and forward to the growing menace of a war fought with nuclear weaponry, there is one prominent gap in analysis and understanding: in an imperfectly governed world, spheres of influence in certain regional settings play crucial war prevention roles. This gap is to Continue reading »