
Mon, 23/01/2023 - 21:00
The weekly report on new and revised entries at online philosophy resources and new reviews of philosophy books, including a recently introduced section featuring open-access reviews from academic philosophy journals… New: Alexander von Humboldt by Dalia Nassar. Aesthetic Experience by Antonia Peacocke. Stoicism by Marion Durand, Simon Shogry, and Dirk Baltzly. Revised: Revolution by Allen Buchanan and Alexander Motchoulski. Determinables and Determinates by Jessica Wilson. Colonialism by Margaret Kohn and Kavita Reddy. Donald Cary Williams by Keith Campbell, James Franklin, and Douglas Ehring. IEP      Substance by Ralph Weir.     Pseudoscience and the Determination Problem by Massimo Pigliucci. NDPR           Analytical Essay on the Faculties of the Soul by Charles Bonnet is reviewed by John H. Zammito. Heidegger and the Problem of Phenomena by Fredrik Westerlund is reviewed by Jussi Backman. Epistemic Explanations: A Theory or Telic Normativity, and What it Explains by Ernest Sosa is reviewed by John Greco. Socrates on Self-Improvement: Knowledge, Virtue, and Happiness by Nicholas D. Smith is reviewed by Nicholas R. Baima.
Mon, 23/01/2023 - 19:44

The real problem confronting European manufacturing is not the threat of factory closures. It is that, compared to the United States and China, Europe has fallen far behind in the race to accumulate, and benefit from, the cloud capital that represents the future of profit in industries like electric cars and green energy. ATHENS – […]

The post Is Europe Deindustrialising? – Project Syndicate appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Mon, 23/01/2023 - 17:10
Yves here. Urban dwellers due to their limited contact with nature, are less afflicted by animal nuisances, with rats and pigeons as exceptions. However, given that focus, this post omits some favorites, like geese and invasive species such as rabbits in Australia. Animals routinely try to steal food from their fellows or other species; it’s […]