
Sat, 28/10/2023 - 00:00
You can’t win if you don’t show up to play David Rothkopf described new House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana as representing “a movement that is actively seeking to institutionalize the religious beliefs of evangelical Christians into law.” Rothkopf was just getting warmed up (Daily Beast): The term Christofascism may seem inflammatory. It is not. It is intended to provide the most accurate possible definition of what Johnson and those in his movement wish to achieve. Like other fascists they seek to impose by whatever means necessary their views on the whole of society even if that means undoing established laws and eliminating accepted freedoms. Christofascists do so in the name of advancing their Christian ideology, asserting that all in society must be guided by their views and values whether they adhere to them or not. Johnson has ties, Rothkopf claims, to the Christianist New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Seven Mountains Dominionism. Read more at Daily Beast. David Corn has another chilling account of Johnson’s beliefs at Mother Jones. Men in Afghanistan who don’t think the same things as Mike Johnson think the same way.
Sat, 28/10/2023 - 00:00

To help celebrate our twenty-fifth year of being on the information superhighway, we have reached out to some of our favorite former columnists for check-ins and updates. Today we reconnect with globe-trotting, pint-drinking Kevin Dolgin, who wrote a travel column about out-of-the-way places for this site from 2000 to 2011.

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I was recently contacted by the editors of McSweeney’s, who informed me that they had not forgotten I exist. In fact, they invited me to write another installment of my column Kevin Dolgin Tells You About Places You Should Go in Europe as part of their twenty-fifth anniversary festivities.

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 23:00

Hello there. Happy Halloween. I see you’ve noticed I’m wearing a sweater. Yes, I realize it’s ninety degrees, but I do not care. It is late October—the height of sweater season. And even though climate change has rendered this traditionally crisp time of year sickeningly humid, I will wear this sweater.

Yes, I am extremely uncomfortable. No, I will not be taking the sweater off.

Late October is the time to wake up, throw a sweater on in the morning, sit on the front porch, and enjoy the fall air with a nice, steaming cup of coffee. So that’s what I will do, even if the fall air is not so much crisp as it is gooey. I will sit in the heat, drink my piping-hot beverage, and pretend it is warming me to my core and not pushing my body dangerously close to a heat stroke.

I refuse to carve pumpkins in a tank top. I will not pick apples in shorts. I will do fall activities in knit sweaters and wool socks, and I will live with the resulting body fungi. This is my pledge.

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 21:26
War crimes have no justification, whoever commits them. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 18th October 2023 For almost 4,000 years, some governments have insisted that if wars must be fought, there should be rules. The first known code, by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, laid down the principle on which all subsequent laws of […]
Fri, 27/10/2023 - 19:14

In this episode of The Source, we talk to world-renowned economist and intellectual Yanis Varoufakis about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the international developments taking place in the European Union and the United Nations around it. We also explore the question of whether Israel’s 56-year occupation of Palestine and its settlement policy have contributed to the […]

The post On Israel-Palestine, Ukraine and the Hypocrisy of the West – acTVism Munich appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 19:08

Συζήτηση στο, με τον Πάρι Καρβουνόπουλο, για το ψηφιακό ευρώ και την επενδυτική βαθμίδα. Επίσης για όσα τραγικά συμβαίνουν στη λωρίδα της Γάζας και τη στάση της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης, τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και την ανάγκη ύπαρξης μιας αγωνιστικής Αριστεράς δηλώνοντας πως το ΜέΡΑ25 “Είμαστε εδώ! Μαζί, για την Αριστερά”.

The post Ψηφιακό €, επενδυτική βαθμίδα & οικονομία, Παλαιστινιακό, ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και, βέβαια, η Επιστροφή του ΜέΡΑ25 – με τον Πάρι Καρβουνόπουλο στο Militaire appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 17:17
Episode 17 of my – Podcast – Letter from The Cape – is now available. Coming today from Kyoto, Japan In this episode, I discuss the warped sense of priorities when a nation can see their way to fund and supply massive quantities of military equipment that is being used to murder thousands of people…
Fri, 27/10/2023 - 15:54

Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire? Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen. Tuval Escapa, a member of the […]

The post October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 10:38

The selection committee for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2023 prize, as voted on by AIPEN members.

The prize will be awarded to the best article published in 2022 (online early or in print) in international political economy (IPE) by an Australia-based scholar.

The prize defines IPE in a pluralist sense to include the political economy of security, geography, literature, sociology, anthropology, post-coloniality, gender, finance, trade, regional studies, development and economic theory, in ways that can span concerns for in/security, poverty, inequality, sustainability, exploitation, deprivation and discrimination.

The overall prize winner will be decided from the shortlist by the selection committee, which this year consists of Maria Tanyag (ANU), Elizabeth Thurbon (UNSW), Kanishka Jayasuriya (Murdoch) and Tom Chodor (Monash). The winner will be announced by December 2023.

The 2023 shortlist for The Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize is as follows:

Fri, 27/10/2023 - 10:30
That’s because he’s never actually participated in one This piece by David Pepper is illuminating: A few years ago, now-Speaker Mike Johnson said we do not live in a democracy. "You know, we don't live in a democracy" but a "biblical" republic. That's what Mike Johnson said in a 2016 interview as he explained his views on the U.S. government. That's what the new Republican House speaker, who tried to overturn the will of the voters in 2020, believes. — Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) October 26, 2023 As I wrote several months ago, it’s a common right-wing refrain. Share Johnson turns out to offer the perfect example of how in today’s gerrymandered world, people can ride to the highest levels of power without facing a real election their entire careers. Which means they can be complete extremists and never face accountability for it. It also means that not only do they not know democracy, they actually come to fear it. Not just because they have never experienced it, but because it poses the biggest risk to their grasp on power.