
Wed, 07/02/2024 - 20:00
Daniel Norris, Elio Cucullo and Vasilis Jacovides When borrowers enter a fixed-rate mortgage, lenders test whether they could continue to afford their mortgage if interest rates were to increase by the time it comes to re-fix. This ‘stressing’ is designed to create additional resilience for borrowers and the financial system. Over the last two years, … Continue reading Mortgage affordability for borrowers who re-fixed in 2023
Thu, 23/11/2023 - 20:00
Fergus Cumming and Danny Walker Bank Rate has risen by more than 5 percentage points in the UK over the past couple of years. This has led to much higher mortgage rates for many people. In this post we analyse another potential source of pressure on mortgagors: the potential for falls in house prices to … Continue reading Why lower house prices could lead to higher mortgage rates