If you are familiar with DiS1972, you know that this little cookbook is one of my favorites and one I go back to again and again. Today’s drink originated at the The Blind Melon of Cincinnati Ohio. I always do a little research to see if any of the establishments featured in these Benson &Continue reading Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents Drink Recipes from 100 of the Greatest Bars: Howard’s Surprise (1979)
vintage cocktails
It’s National Chocolate Mint Day! At least, according to one of the many “National Day” or “National Food Holiday” websites. I should probably pick one and stick to it. My reference used to be Foodimentary. But the site no longer exists. Oh, there’s a book! *1 minute later* OK, I just bought the book. It’llContinue reading 2-in-1 International Recipe Card Collection: Mocha Mint (1977)
How cute is the cover of this early 1960s cocktail booklet? It never really occurred to me to see if “Cuervo,” as in “JOSE CUERVO” was a word in Spanish. I took high school Spanish (the minimum 2 years required for graduation) and we never got to types of birds. Jose Cuervo literally translates toContinue reading Sangrita Cuervo (early 60s-ish)
RIP President Carter. Although not everyone has fond memories of his presidency, wow oh wow did he go on to build a lasting legacy. He will be remembered as a kind gentleman who (in my humble opinion) exemplifies what it means to be a Christian. The man got himself a Nobel Peace Prize, for fuck’sContinue reading The Jimmy Carter Cocktail (1977)
It’s a snow day in Baltimore and that means one thing–a post about cocktails! Full disclosure: I wanted to share these before New Year’s Day, but I’m lazy. And distracted. And lazy. Let’s be honest. I’m just really, really lazy. But better late than never, right? These two new Bloody Marys are the result ofContinue reading Snow Day Bloody Marys (Hemingway and Doritos)
Damn, Rudy. It’s just not right to drink cider and Smirnoff when it’s 80 degrees out! Well, that’s all I got. I never thought I’d be sweating so much in November. Why’s it so warm? Well, baby, there’s this thing called global warming. Yeah? Yeah. All that coal and gas we’re burning right now—it’s gonnaContinue reading Smirnoff Adam’s Apple, 1972 (alternate version)
When we first introduced this drink, we were of two minds about it. “Tastes as fresh-faced as summer, we said. But was it, perhaps, a trifle “unsophisticated?” By this time the Bullfrog has acquired a modest but growing following who don’t seem to have any problems with it at all. Which raises the question: canContinue reading The Smirnoff Bullfrog (1975)
Last month I decided to revisit that odd 1981 calendar with the missing cover. I have it on my fridge so every once in a while I’m inspired to give one (or two) of the drinks a spin. Those all seem to be pretty standard. Although the Harvey Wallbanger has fallen out of favor. DoContinue reading May 1981 Pink Lady & Mint Julep
Yes, I am well aware that I just posted the Easter Brunch. This, however, is a different kind of brunch. A brunch for two. A private brunch. A bedroom brunch. I was inspired to bust out this brunch because of the inclusion of the Bloody Bullshot–a variation of the questionable beef-based libation called the Bullshot,Continue reading The Smirnoff Bedroom Brunch (1971)
Mastering the art of omelet-making is a must for serious after-dinner entertainers. With a little practice you will quickly have the expertise to prepare 20-30 individual omelets, right in front of your guests, in a matter of minutes. This dessert omelet is an easy one and requires no special talents; it is finished in the […]