
Wed, 14/08/2024 - 23:27
You are reading this because Mr. Sauce, Esq. pointed out I didn’t do a single Wiener Wednesday this summer. And I want to give him a hearty thanks because, however neglectful I’ve been to the blog, I couldn’t let this year pass without an addition to the Wiener Wednesday archives. It would be wrong. Plus,Continue reading WIENER WEDNESDAY: 203. Stuffed Franks
Fri, 11/08/2023 - 10:58
Preparation time: 10 min.Baking time: 25 to 30 min.Oven temperature: 325°F Here is a springtime dessert of tangy-sweet rhubarb and cool, creamy yogurt. Rhubarb, the traditional “pie plant” combine naturally with yogurt. Cinnamon and toasted almonds top this low-calorie dessert. For 4 servings you will need:1 lb. rhubarb½ cup sugarCinnamonPlain yogurt or vanilla yogurtToasted sliced […]
Sat, 03/06/2023 - 00:16
Earlier this week my office hosted a Bon Voyage party for one of my coworkers who is moving on to bigger and better things. The party was nautical-themed with little sail boats everywhere. I felt compelled to bust out my Jell-O molds, so I decided, in keeping with the theme, to make a fish-shaped gelatin.Continue reading Jell-O Pudding Idea Book: Pastel Pudding Dessert (1968)
Wed, 24/05/2023 - 22:51
Earlier this month I received an invitation for a dinner party hosted by my friends Tom and Kathleen. When I asked what to bring, they said dessert. Since they were participants in my Easter Brunch featuring Smirnoff Jell-O Eggs, I decided to carry on the Jell-O theme and bake a Orange Coconut Cake from TheContinue reading The Joys of Jell-O Gelatin: Orange Coconut Cake (1981)
Wed, 10/05/2023 - 08:17
This is the dinner that you, my friends, chose as my Spring Dinner from Great Dinners from Life by Eleanor Graves***.  (1969). The globe artichoke is surely the engineering marvel of the vegetable world. It is so formidably  constructed that one wonders what inquisitive Italian first though that the bud of the thistle plant wouldContinue reading Great Dinners from Life: Shrimp-Stuffed Artichoke (1969)
Fri, 14/04/2023 - 03:32
My sole new year resolution this year was to post once a week–but I’ve failed. I missed a week in February and this is the first post of April. I am so disappointed in me. But, oh well. I’m gonna try to get back on the wagon. FUN FACT! According to the Smirnoff advertising folk,Continue reading Smirnoff Year of the Brunch: Easter Brunch (1969)