The results are in, and they’ve exceeded our wildest hopes.
Master Plan
We all live in the master planners’ world now. So what can we do to resist?
In this exclusive Master Plan bonus episode, David Sirota interviews former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, who led the fight against conservatives’ court packing in the early 2000s.
If you thought the master planners would be content to end their assault on democracy with Citizens United, think again.
Indiana attorney James Bopp engineered the case allowing dark money in politics specifically with the court’s “swing vote” in mind.
How the former campus law organization dug its claws into the federal judiciary.
In a pivotal 12 months, the master planners transformed the judiciary, positioning it to deliver corruption-legalizing precedents.
The inside story of how we uncovered smoking-gun audio exposing the secret roots of Project 2025.
Lever Time producer Arjun Singh and investigative journalist David Daley discuss the other memo behind the conservative takeover of the courts.
To get the rulings you want, build the Supreme Court you need.