
Wed, 26/10/2022 - 05:56

Howdy folks! In honor of Halloween, here are some of the scariest houses currently for sale in the ever-cursed suburbs of Washington, DC. It’s been awhile since I checked in on this particular hotspot, and once more, it did not disappoint.

I’ll just get this one out of the way. Long-time McMansion Hell-heads are well aware of this monster estate in Potomac, MD, once allegedly owned by a particular professional athlete who will not be named, because the house should suck on its own merit. The only nice thing I can say about this house is that the designers kept the materials and colors consistent, which adds some unity to what is, in reality, five turrets in a trench coat.

Some things, the economists tell us, are too big to fail. This is not one of them. Let’s move on.

Wed, 26/10/2022 - 00:27
Hello and welcome to Blends Bash 2022, hosted by the lovely folks at The Book Club Cook Book. Every year they send out some of their delicious spice blends to bloggers like myself who experiment and then share the results with you! This year I was assigned 3 different spice blends to play with. ThisContinue reading BLENDS BASH 2022: Shrimp with Red New Orleans Sauce (1960)