It’s the End of the World and I Don’t Feel Fine Pete Dolack Fredric Jameson is no longer here to remind us that imagining the…
Ecological Sustainability
To save the planet: Disable this global consumer-corporate machine Geoff Davies The global consumer-capitalist machine is well-programmed to consume the planet in its quest to…
Consumption is driving global greenhouse gas emissions Mark Diesendorf Patrick Mazza has offered [1] a valuable analysis of China’s contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG)…
We can’t have billionaires and stop climate change Jason Hickel Over the past few years, the world’s leading Earth system scientists and climatologists have published…
How low can we go? To cut the carbon that goes into buildings to net zero, we need radical change Philip Oldfield, Gerard Reinmuth and…
Universal public services: the power of decommodifying survival Jason Hickel One of the central insights emerging from research on degrowth and climate mitigation is that…
“Economics”, our master narrative manufacturing our demise Richard Parker If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level…
An interconnected economic reality Part 1: Rethinking the economics curriculum Dennis Venter This is the first part of an article by Dennis Venter describing an…
Capitalism with friends like these, you don’t need enemies part 2 Steve Keen This is the second part of a chapter from Prof Steve Keen’s…
Complex economies embedded in the biosphere with the commons restored part 2 Geoff Davies This is the continuation of the article with the same name…