In advance of the Catholic Church’s recent global gathering, Pope Francis raised the hopes of...
For the first time in centuries the ordination of women is on the table in...
Upon the recent death of the conservative British historian Paul Johnson, the right-wing journal Public...
The Catholic church in Ireland lost power by flouting the morals it prescribed. The Tory government risks a similar fate
It is not news that Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings treat rules with contempt. But there is one rule even they might be expected to obey, because it is crucial to the maintenance of power. Never, ever, make the people who place their faith in you feel like fools.
Or, to put it another way, never let the people who think they are making a sacrifice realise that in fact they are the sacrifice. Before breaking this rule so flagrantly, Johnson and his consigliere would have done well to consider the fate of what used to be one of the most powerful institutions on these islands: the Irish Catholic church.
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