The Fugitive Doctor is wanted "Dead or Alive" this July when Jo Martin and Big Finish return with a second round of epic audio adventures.
Jo Martin
Chris Chibnall and the Big Finish team discuss Jo Martin's return as The Fugitive Doctor for Doctor Who: The Fugitive Doctor: Most Wanted.
With Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin signing to star in new Doctor Who audio dramas at Big Finish, it's time for their Doctors to team up again.
Character Options, the manufacturer of Doctor Who toys, released a Fugitive Doctor action figure - here's Jo Martin's reaction to seeing it.
Showrunner Russell T. Davies made it clear to Doctor Who fans - he's not looking to "unwrite" Chris Chibnall's "The Timeless Children."
We look back at Jodie Whittaker's second season of Doctor Who, undercut by unrealised potential & unfulfilled promises under Chris Chibnall.
Maybe it has to do with the show's deal with Disney, but the BBC's Doctor Who is out to prove to "someone" it can do superhero things, too.