International Relations

Tue, 17/12/2024 - 04:58
Israel continues to destroy what is left of Gaza with American bombs, slaughtering 50 or more souls daily as they try to survive in flimsy tents on a starvation diet of bread and water, if they are lucky. A genocide is happening now with media silence. After invading Lebanon and killing and maiming thousands of Continue reading »
Tue, 17/12/2024 - 04:57
The private prosecution that Krautungalung elder Uncle Robbie Thorpe launched against Mark Regev, a former senior advisor to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, that charged the Australian Israeli with advocating genocide was taken over by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions late on the afternoon of 9 December and the case was then officially dropped in Continue reading »
Tue, 17/12/2024 - 04:56
Patrick Mazza has offered a valuable analysis of China’s contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and what it is doing, and still needs to do to reduce them. However, like the vast majority of scenarios on mitigating GHG emissions, it doesn’t address the elephant in the room, the growing growth in consumption in China Continue reading »
Sun, 15/12/2024 - 04:56
If anyone still believed that political Zionism’s objective was anything less than ethnic cleansing The Fall of Israel would surely disabuse them of that delusion. The English edition of Max Ghilan’s How Israel Lost its Soul appeared in 1974, not long after Israel’s ignominious defeat by Egypt in October 1973. I didn’t know much about Continue reading »
Sat, 14/12/2024 - 04:51
In 2019, I was Australia’s Consul-General in Makassar, and I remember meeting a group of Muslim Australians from western Sydney: they were planning to make a film about the Makassar-Northern Australia relationship. Their leader was Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, a tall, bearded man of middle-age, in haji cap and long white robes. Sheikh Wesam was born Continue reading »
Thu, 12/12/2024 - 04:56
In my condemnation of the attack on the synagogue in Melbourne, I said, “This is not acceptable by any means. Unlike the Zionists who kept silent and never condemned Israel’s destruction of 819 mosques and 3 churches in just over a year in Gaza, many of which are historic, Palestinians do not condone attacks against Continue reading »
Tue, 10/12/2024 - 04:59
I have yet to fully understand how the collapse of the Syrian government could happened at the speed it did happen: Syrian government falls in stunning end to 50-year rule of Assad family -AP, Dec 8 2024 BEIRUT (AP) — The Syrian government fell early Sunday in a stunning end to the 50-year rule of the Continue reading »
Wed, 11/12/2024 - 04:51
A non- prejudicial clause can end internal bickering. President Prabowo Subianto’s proposal for a joint development project in the South China Sea (SCS) with China has hit a snag. His foreign Minister, Pak Sugiono, was lynched before a parliamentary Committee on 3 December by lawmakers demanding answers to why Indonesia agreed to the term “overlapping Continue reading »