
Sat, 04/02/2023 - 02:10

On this episode of The Watchdog, Alan Macleod exposes Elon Musk's ties to intelligence agencies and special interest groups, highlighting SpaceX's ties to the CIA and the use of Starlink in advancing US foreign policy.

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Thu, 19/01/2023 - 16:41

Some of the most incendiary accusations made against Iran’s government by corporate media, celebrity influencers and Western leaders in the past months are little more than fabrications. And most remain uncorrected. Protests in Iran that ostensibly began as a reaction to the death of a woman in police custody in September 2022 have prompted unprecedented international opposition to its government, not only from the usual Western, Israeli and Saudi suspects, but from celebrity social media influencers with no previous record […]

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Tue, 15/11/2022 - 21:47

Iran’s protesters will neither submit to the fascism hidden behind the regime’s pseudo-anti-imperialism nor surrender their country to the hegemony of the United States or their economy to financialized capital. The Western left should learn from them. ATHENS – Dealing with random, unprovoked abuse is never easy. But dealing with random, unprovoked praise can be […]

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Tue, 13/12/2022 - 14:42

Reporting from inside the federal courtroom where the US is prosecuting Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, The Grayzone learns of disturbing acts of diplomatic espionage. Saab’s advocates insist he is imprisoned for violating Washington’s economic blockade. Authorities in Cape Verde, opened official government communications which Venezuela intended for Iran, including a sealed letter sent by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, following the arrest of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab in June of 2020. The revelations came […]

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Wed, 14/12/2022 - 01:58

Reportando desde la corte federal donde Estados Unidos está procesando al diplomático venezolano Alex Saab, The Grayzone descubre actos perturbadores de espionaje diplomático. La defensa de Saab insiste que está encarclado por violar el bloqueo económico de Washington. Luego del arresto del diplomático venezolano Alex Saab en junio de 2020, las autoridades de Cabo Verde abrieron comunicaciones oficiales del gobierno de Venezuela destinadas a Irán, incluyendo una carta sellada que el presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro le envió al Líder Supremo […]

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Sat, 24/12/2022 - 06:30

While US attorneys twisted the Vienna Conventions to fit their case against Alex Saab, a bizarre exchange highlighted the judge’s apparent bias and confusion about U.S. Venezuela policy. MIAMI, FLORIDA – The trial of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab continued on December 20, when U.S. District Judge Robert Scola heard closing arguments in an evidentiary hearing concerned with whether or not the concept of diplomatic immunity applied to his case. The diplomat was arrested on June 12, 2020, while en route […]

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